Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I'm done with this semester Yay. I just finished my last final today Yay. I am listening to music Yay. I am drinking some new castle beer Yay. And that is about the end of the sentences I am able to end with Yay. Oh, last week with Mark I went to the Triple Rock and listened to a new band that I hadn't heard of before. Snowden. They are pretty sweet. The bass player is absolutley the most awesome chick bass player I have seen. I got their CD and haven't taken it out of my CD player since. Now I can enjoy them fully with my brain since it is no longer devoted to my studies for the remainder of the year. Cheers to that. It has been quite the semester. Next semster will stretch me and my sanity. Until then I will be skiing in Big Sky, Montana, chilling, and working. Yay to that. Well, It's late...Next time I write I will put up my lovely pictures of Ed. He loves to be dressed up in xmas costumes...LOL. Not really. Oh also check out the new Brand New album. Absolutely wonderful. Word to ya motha!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

This ship is taking me far away

Anything I can do to keep from studying. I have been pondering quite a bit this weekend. It's wierd. I'm totally ready for a break from school. These next few weeks will go by pretty quick. I need to keep my motivation up so that I don't slack just because it is the end of the semester. Pathology is the bane of my existence. Really. I hate studying for the exams. They suck. Or maybe I suck. Or maybe both. My cat is totally staring at me. He's probably congering up hypothetical situations where he is making me wear stupid hats or chase a laser pointer or something. I got Ed an x-mas hat. I'll take some photos and post them on my next post. He just loves it....almost as much as I do pathology.

Burt's Bees Beeswax Lip Balm is amazing.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Holy moses!

Well...been a while since I visited. The days happenings have left me tired and in a state of peturbation. Note to self; don't choose to go to work after going TB testing and having to study for a pathology exam and then taking the exam. I am beat. Toga party tonight that I am not sad I am not attending. Went TB testing this weekend. It was...well...I made some money; which is a plus. Don is my new DNR hero. The weekend was long. The work was bloody. The time marched on. This is begining to sound like something epic here, which, unfortunately it is not. Although, now I can find retropharyngeal lymph nodes with ease.

My cat is his normal. My home is normal, which isn't saying much. Sometimes I think my life could be made into a movie. Some of the shit that actually happens; stuff I actually manage to be involved in amazes me. Of course I am not talking about anything noteworthy like saving a life or anything...just crazy, crazy crap that if it didn't happen to me I don't think I'd believe it. Example:

2003-2004 school year. at river falls. eating at steve's, a non-traditional classmate, house. this dude is 29 and still lives at home. went there for a group project. we're eating dinner and the dad asks me and mark if we were dating. and we replied no. actually mark said no because i shoved a huge mouthful of food into my oral cavity. then the dad proceeds to say something to the effect of: you know young people's relationships these days. everyone is in heat and it is all lustfull and intense but these relationships will not last a life time. This. during dinner. fricken akward. then we all watched some disney movie and played electronic uno. we were prisoners(we being me, mark, and jess). we didn't have the heart to leave....6 months later i had to go to the same house to drop off something for steve. his mom invites me in. and then proceeds to show me her can't be happening to me. i sat the duration of her show and tell and then left as soon as the opportunity arrose....crazy crazy crazy

Looking forward to my annual ski trip. Well, not the drive but the skiing and friends. Going to Big Sky again. Can't believe this is the fourth year in the making. When we started the trip we joked that it would be cool to keep doing it and to our amazement we are still going. It is something that is special to me. The concept that is. Some of my closest friends they are. I have so many good memories. Memories are a wonderful thing. It is something, God willing, that no one can take from me. Oh yes memories...

Also have some moderate expectations for AAEP this year. It should be warmer than here so I guess this is a plus. It will just be nice to get outta town per se. A motivator to keep trudging through vet school. Next semsters schedule left me feeling quite despondant. WOW. It is going to be insane. Well, I am hungry. So I will eat.

Follow through make your dreams come true don't give up the fight you will be all right because there's no one like you in the universe.....

Friday, September 22, 2006


So, a date with some Jack Daniels has prompted this entry. Don't look into the contents of this message. Although I will pose a bit to cogitate about; from my point of view any way. Which, I am not even sure what I am posing. Just some lyrics to a song...Speaking of which...have you ever been, well I just don't think I can explain it...


This means nothing to me'
Cause you are nothing to me
And it means nothing to me
That you blew this away'

Cause you could have been number one
If you only found the time
And you could have ruled the whole world
If you had the chance
You could have been number one
And you could have ruled the whole world
And we could have had so much fun
But you blew it away

You're still nothing to me
And this is nothing to me
And you don't know what you've done
But I'll give you a clue

You could have been number one
If you only had the chance
And you could have ruled the whole world
If you had the time
You could have been number one
And you could have ruled the whole world
And we could have had so much fun
But you blew it away

You could have been number one
And you could have ruled the whole world
And we could have had so much fun
But you blew it away

Monday, August 28, 2006

Patiently waiting

Well, the last week of summer is here. School starts back up on the 5th. It is crazy how fast time goes as you get older. Work is a bit dull. Found out MCR's releasing thier new record in a little less than 2 months. Kinda pumped; also means they will be touring soon. Hopefully they'll be in the cities before next semester. First single is realeased in 2 weeks. I'm almost looking forward to studying sessions at Dunn Bros...they have the best coffee.

Goal for next summer: plan a road trip.

Friday, August 04, 2006


First off, I just found out how to spell prima donna. It is not pre-madonna. Wow...I feel dumb. Summer is still going by. Went to Kansas City for Hill's student rep training. Some may call me a sell out. Maybe I am. But I was treated like I was a prima donna for the whole 4 days I was there. Ha ha, along with the 20 some other students. I learned a ton almost as much as I ate. I have never been offered so much food (and by this I mean people food folks). I ate shrimp!!! Holy crap!!! Got a lot of free stuff and met some pretty impressive people. Overall an awesome experience and I am looking forward to it again next year!!! I am really feeling like I have a slew of opportunities ahead. This is a bit onerous at times; only because it is hard to choose when you have an undecided heart. But it is also a blessing because I can choose from so many things. Oh...I now have buisness cards(random).

So, I am pretty excited for Tapes 'N Tapes making it big. I met Erik Appelwick(bassist) at a Vicious Vicious show(he's the lead singer for them too) last Sept. It's cool to see a local band do awesome. They played Letteman!!! Been kinda stuck on Muse's new record along with Taking Back Sunday, and "Over and Over," by Hot Chip. Still patiently awaiting MCR's new record release. When this event takes place all will be copasetic in my music world. I'm also diggin' Imogen Heap's "Hide and Seek." I love to stream MTVU while I am analyzing data at work.

My love affair with coffee continues to blossom. No matter how much I try to deny myself of this pleasure. I do believe a Dunn Bros coffee ice-creama can make a dull day exciting and full of joy. I crave them. I believe I might hold the record for the speediest consumption time for a 24oz...LOL! I love them. Six months ago, I wouldn't go near coffee. Wow, how quickly things can change. I love coffee....

"We are all self-made. But only the successful will admit it." --Anonymous

Monday, July 24, 2006

Food for thought...

Your best thinking got you where you are today, this very moment...sometimes this is a scary thought.

P.S. I did find a pre-owned, new to me, car. A Volvo S60. I am finally getting used to it. Muhaaaaaa......No more car shopping.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Brand New

Saw Brand New in concert last Live music is amazing to me. It's far better than any drug or booze. Definantley worth seeing. The place was sold out. It was hot. People sang along to almost every song. Enjoyed some New Castle for the first time. I got into the thick of the crowd; got sprayed by water to keep the people cool. Was pretty wet at the end of the show; didn't care. Got semi lost leaving the Quest. Stuck my head out the window going down the highway. Didn't have a worry. Had a late night breakfast at Perkins. Just like old times. I have not lost my youth....

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

If my family were South Park characters

So, here is my rendition of my family in South Park land. Kinda funny. And yes, it is slow at work this week.

On another note, nothing related to my family, I have realized that no one is free of personal problems. I mean I already knew this but now I think I feel it. I really am fairly "normal," if there is such a thing, compared to some people I, I guess it is all relative.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Have you ever felt agitated??

Current mood: agitated. Why??? Um, dunno. I guess I really shouldn't be since I can't really validate why. Just am. Sometimes there are things in life that I wish I didn't want to understand or have to. I wasn't really refering to my agitation. I'll be honest; I think lack of sleep has warranted me cranky. I wish I had life all figured out. The whole trial and error crap can be fun but there are times I really don't want to piss around with things that I don't know the outcome of. I'm thinking I may be getting allergies. This is annoying. But there are much worse things to Oh, there's a song that I like by Panic at the Disco. But I can't remember it. It's stuck in my head. "I chime in, haven't you people ever heard of, closing the God damn door, no...

Thursday, June 29, 2006


The joys of car shopping. I won't lie...I think it sucks. Not quite as bad as jean shopping but it is still pretty darn time consuming. Also frustrating is thinking that at any moment your current car is going to malfunction. So, every odd noise and squeak it makes you jump and think your car is dying. Maybe car shopping would be fun if I didn't have any financial limitations and had air conditioning in my current whip to go and look at the cars. Yeah.

I recently aquired the Against Me CD, Searching for a Former Clarity. I have just really started to enjoy it. The lyrics are pretty good. Overall a pretty good CD; worth what I paid anyway.

Time is just flying by. I am not far away from the world my parents live in. No more summers. Being grown up. Every now and then I dwell on that. I know most people my age are in the real world and have faced this fact. Being in vet school has preserved that last little bit of youthful lifestyle. I mean don't get me wrong, I am happy here at 23 but there are times when I wouldn't mind being 18 again. A senior in high school. Playing pranks on friends at school. All I did was have fun, work a bit, buy CD's, and really didn't worry too much. This is probably a classic sign that I am getting older. I mean, technically, assuming I live to be of average age I have lived a quarter of my life already. Whoa....

Thursday, June 22, 2006


I just read on myspace that Minus 3, an awesome local band around the cities, is breaking up. Comes as quite a suprise. They are a fun band to go and watch....Dang...

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

my personality

So, I took this online personality test. I took a couple all yielding similar results...

Big Five Word Test Results
Extroversion (58%) moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.
Accommodation (61%) moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly kind natured, trusting, and helpful at the expense of your own individual development (martyr complex).
Orderliness (75%) high which suggests you are overly organized, neat, structured and restrained at the expense too often of flexibility, variety, spontaneity, and fun.
Emotional Stability (52%) medium which suggests you are moderately relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.
Inquisitiveness (58%) moderately high which suggests you are intellectual, curious, imaginative but possibly not very practical.
I am also described as...clean, organized, dislikes chaos, semi neat freak, perfectionist, traditional, realist, fits in most places, enjoys managing others, risk averse, good at saving money, prudent, respects authority, high self control, hard working, does not like to stand out, follows the rules, finisher, resilient, takes precautions, cautious, honest, unfamiliar with the dark side of life, practical, dutiful

Monday, June 12, 2006

my contacts are dry

I am waiting for my laundry. I guess I waited a little late to do it. Nothing really going on. Just bored and yeah, just bored. So, I got a sweet pair of black skeleton gloves. Don't know what I am going to use them for yet. I just thought they were cool. I have no words of wisdom. I have no complaints. Wow, life is kinda boring. I need a hair cut. I should have just called this entry random shit. Okay, well, I think I am going to get my laundry now. Man am I lame....

Friday, June 02, 2006


Alas...summer is here. And I am inside. Figures. That's okay though because I need the cash. Just waiting for the Wabash to warm up. I am in the thick of packing and preparing to move out. I sure hope this works. I am most worried for Ed. He is so cute. I don't know how he is going to handle the dogs. And not just dogs, a saint bernard at that. I am a bit of a worry wart and the past few days I have been cogitating everything that could possibly go wrong once I move in. I am having a bit of a time trying to figure out how I am going to fit everything in my very cozy room. My room in my apartment now is huge and I have a huge closet. Thus I have more room. As far as the house goes, the small room part is fine; it's the closet size that is making it a challenge. On a lighter note, the weather looks to be good. Well as I always say; it'll be what it'll be. I just hope it'll be really good.

Friday, May 19, 2006

I rule!!!

Ha Ha, or so I'd like to think so. Done with school for the summer. I made it through my first year in vet school and can't believe how fast it went. Whew!! I think summer is going to go too fast as well. Already one week done. I need to get ready to move sometime soon. I hope it all works out well. Hopefully the feline in my life is able to transition okay. He can be a turd. So, to continue with the moped drama. I don't think I'm getting the Vino 125. Too expensive and I think I might get a Baron. Crap I don't even know if I'll do that for sure. Why must the lack of funds dictate my life?!?!? Oh well, it's summer. Hope to eat at Boca Chica sometime soon. Speaking of which, I am hungry as I type. Work is work. No tech aides around this summer so lunch time will end up being a time for self reflection. LOL!! Or conversations with myself...borring. Well I should get back to work although I do like my breaks...

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


La di f-ing da! Nice. Just over 2 weeks of school left. I don't think I have ever been looking forward to summer so much. I am more confident than not that I am going to purchase new Yamaha Vino 125 moped. I am a geek, dork, nerd, or any other word that encompasses my passion for mopeds. Im listening to some Phacid, a friend of mine's band, and I like them. What a profound statement. Oy, I don't want to have to work tomorrow. Ray's in China and I always feel pressured to get a lot of shit done when he is gone. Well...I think I am going to hit the hay. Goodnight all.

Oh, I think I like crossword puzzles.

Current mood: Subdued

Friday, April 21, 2006

I am pretty lucky

Well, It's late. This past week has been kinda crazy. Actually the past few weeks have. It's raining outside. I kind of like it when it rains and you can crack your window at night and fall asleep to the sound of the rain. If I were home I would be hearing the frogs soon. I don't know if you all know what I mean but it reminds me of spring. I haven't been home in awhile. Mom, Dad, and Wendy came to visit me this past weekend. They got into a pretty crazy car accident on the way home. Broadsided a car at 60+ mph...and they were all able to walk away from it. The car is absolutely done for as you can see. I feel sooooo lucky that they all were okay and the other driver was too. That was the best Easter present ever!!!! And not to mention a huge reality check. In my family, we always make sure that we say good bye and I love you when we leave. To think that Sunday morning could've been my last good bye is scary to me. Always make sure you tell your family, friends, or anyone else you care about good bye because you never know what life will bring. It really puts things into prospective. I know I get lost in the petty things with life and really should just live in the moment. Because, really, my family, friends, and any loved ones are the only thing that really matter. Vet school is important but an exam is nothing more than exam. I am very thankful for the life I have.

I'm still searching for the special moped. Only a few more weeks left of classes. I can't wait until summer. I have a feeling it is going to be a good one. Well, I'm pretty usual. So, I think I will endeavor upon the world where anything is dreams.


Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage

Well, three words for you: studying sucks ass. What's with my title you say?? Well been going retro and listening to some Smashing Pumpkins. It's always sweet to re-discover old good music. So, in my miserable attempt to study I have chosen to procrastinate in the form of this blog. Life is, so. Not really, it is actually pretty good but the next couple weeks with school are making it less pleasant. Got my moped out today. I like riding it. I just wish they made bigger mopeds, not the ones that are huge, but like the vino that could go like 55. It's fun driving like that. It's as close to a horse as I can get. Kinda wishing I was home. I miss my horse and pony. Well, I should really get back to studying. Oh, one piece of vent material. Not that this really matters. But one, I don't like it when people are hippocrates and say crap to make themselves look better just for that sole perpose. Yeah, I am the exception. Dude, get over yourself. Here ends my venting on this day the fourth of April two thousand and six.
--Peace out

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Good food + good friends = good times

I just got back from a 7-layer theme pot luck with my friends here at school. We played some cool games and drank some beer. Laughed a ton and ate enough food to make me gain some more adipocytes. I went moped shopping today with Anne. That was pretty fun and now I really want a new moped. Not that the 1983 moped is bad, just something a bit more modern and more visible to other drivers and also a bit faster. I love mopeds. I also enjoy the company of good friends, something of which I have really learned to appreciate. It is hard to find good friends. Tried to go for a run today. I perposly chose the word try because it was somewhat of a joke. I am way, way out of shape. But I am thinking that if I keep on running on a somewhat regular schedule, I should get into decent shape. Well, off to bed for me. I am in a good mood and I should rest pretty easy tonight. Summer is coming!!!!!

Monday, March 27, 2006

some things in life suck

Nothing like starting off your first blog posting on a negative note. I don't mean it to be that way. I am just venting. So, I will use this blog session to vent if you will. First...I am tired of "friends" who are your "friends" only when they need something or when it is convenient to be. I hate feeling used and you people suck big hairy dartos. And secondly...I hate being towed from my own apt parking lot. $285 to get my car back. On a lighter note, I can't wait to ride my moped tomorrow. Yay...this will be the highlight of my week. I wish MCR would get their new album out because I could use some new cool tunes. Not that their old ones are bad, just would be something to look forward to. Um, I'm at work and should probably do what I came here to But there is not work for me to do.

Peace out