Friday, April 21, 2006

I am pretty lucky

Well, It's late. This past week has been kinda crazy. Actually the past few weeks have. It's raining outside. I kind of like it when it rains and you can crack your window at night and fall asleep to the sound of the rain. If I were home I would be hearing the frogs soon. I don't know if you all know what I mean but it reminds me of spring. I haven't been home in awhile. Mom, Dad, and Wendy came to visit me this past weekend. They got into a pretty crazy car accident on the way home. Broadsided a car at 60+ mph...and they were all able to walk away from it. The car is absolutely done for as you can see. I feel sooooo lucky that they all were okay and the other driver was too. That was the best Easter present ever!!!! And not to mention a huge reality check. In my family, we always make sure that we say good bye and I love you when we leave. To think that Sunday morning could've been my last good bye is scary to me. Always make sure you tell your family, friends, or anyone else you care about good bye because you never know what life will bring. It really puts things into prospective. I know I get lost in the petty things with life and really should just live in the moment. Because, really, my family, friends, and any loved ones are the only thing that really matter. Vet school is important but an exam is nothing more than exam. I am very thankful for the life I have.

I'm still searching for the special moped. Only a few more weeks left of classes. I can't wait until summer. I have a feeling it is going to be a good one. Well, I'm pretty usual. So, I think I will endeavor upon the world where anything is dreams.


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