Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Holy moses!

Well...been a while since I visited. The days happenings have left me tired and in a state of peturbation. Note to self; don't choose to go to work after going TB testing and having to study for a pathology exam and then taking the exam. I am beat. Toga party tonight that I am not sad I am not attending. Went TB testing this weekend. It was...well...I made some money; which is a plus. Don is my new DNR hero. The weekend was long. The work was bloody. The time marched on. This is begining to sound like something epic here, which, unfortunately it is not. Although, now I can find retropharyngeal lymph nodes with ease.

My cat is his normal. My home is normal, which isn't saying much. Sometimes I think my life could be made into a movie. Some of the shit that actually happens; stuff I actually manage to be involved in amazes me. Of course I am not talking about anything noteworthy like saving a life or anything...just crazy, crazy crap that if it didn't happen to me I don't think I'd believe it. Example:

2003-2004 school year. at river falls. eating at steve's, a non-traditional classmate, house. this dude is 29 and still lives at home. went there for a group project. we're eating dinner and the dad asks me and mark if we were dating. and we replied no. actually mark said no because i shoved a huge mouthful of food into my oral cavity. then the dad proceeds to say something to the effect of: you know young people's relationships these days. everyone is in heat and it is all lustfull and intense but these relationships will not last a life time. This. during dinner. fricken akward. then we all watched some disney movie and played electronic uno. we were prisoners(we being me, mark, and jess). we didn't have the heart to leave....6 months later i had to go to the same house to drop off something for steve. his mom invites me in. and then proceeds to show me her bunyons...wow...this can't be happening to me. i sat the duration of her show and tell and then left as soon as the opportunity arrose....crazy crazy crazy

Looking forward to my annual ski trip. Well, not the drive but the skiing and friends. Going to Big Sky again. Can't believe this is the fourth year in the making. When we started the trip we joked that it would be cool to keep doing it and to our amazement we are still going. It is something that is special to me. The concept that is. Some of my closest friends they are. I have so many good memories. Memories are a wonderful thing. It is something, God willing, that no one can take from me. Oh yes memories...

Also have some moderate expectations for AAEP this year. It should be warmer than here so I guess this is a plus. It will just be nice to get outta town per se. A motivator to keep trudging through vet school. Next semsters schedule left me feeling quite despondant. WOW. It is going to be insane. Well, I am hungry. So I will eat.

Follow through make your dreams come true don't give up the fight you will be all right because there's no one like you in the universe.....

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