Thursday, June 29, 2006


The joys of car shopping. I won't lie...I think it sucks. Not quite as bad as jean shopping but it is still pretty darn time consuming. Also frustrating is thinking that at any moment your current car is going to malfunction. So, every odd noise and squeak it makes you jump and think your car is dying. Maybe car shopping would be fun if I didn't have any financial limitations and had air conditioning in my current whip to go and look at the cars. Yeah.

I recently aquired the Against Me CD, Searching for a Former Clarity. I have just really started to enjoy it. The lyrics are pretty good. Overall a pretty good CD; worth what I paid anyway.

Time is just flying by. I am not far away from the world my parents live in. No more summers. Being grown up. Every now and then I dwell on that. I know most people my age are in the real world and have faced this fact. Being in vet school has preserved that last little bit of youthful lifestyle. I mean don't get me wrong, I am happy here at 23 but there are times when I wouldn't mind being 18 again. A senior in high school. Playing pranks on friends at school. All I did was have fun, work a bit, buy CD's, and really didn't worry too much. This is probably a classic sign that I am getting older. I mean, technically, assuming I live to be of average age I have lived a quarter of my life already. Whoa....

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