Friday, May 19, 2006

I rule!!!

Ha Ha, or so I'd like to think so. Done with school for the summer. I made it through my first year in vet school and can't believe how fast it went. Whew!! I think summer is going to go too fast as well. Already one week done. I need to get ready to move sometime soon. I hope it all works out well. Hopefully the feline in my life is able to transition okay. He can be a turd. So, to continue with the moped drama. I don't think I'm getting the Vino 125. Too expensive and I think I might get a Baron. Crap I don't even know if I'll do that for sure. Why must the lack of funds dictate my life?!?!? Oh well, it's summer. Hope to eat at Boca Chica sometime soon. Speaking of which, I am hungry as I type. Work is work. No tech aides around this summer so lunch time will end up being a time for self reflection. LOL!! Or conversations with myself...borring. Well I should get back to work although I do like my breaks...

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