Friday, November 09, 2007

We are dry and blown like dust.

School is going, going, but not gone. In an effort to calm the seas of the emotional aspect of my brain I purchased a little sketch book. My favorite kind of art is just plain pencil (well kinda fancy pencil) on a nice sheet of off white sketch paper. Been sketching a bit, not like an aspiring artist, mainly in the evening to wind down the day. It's another way to express what's inside with less obvious meaning to anyone else who happens to come across it. If my picture inspires some words, I write them. Have had a lot on my brain lately so yay. Sometimes think I'm trying to fit a square peg into a circle hole.

I did diagnose my first pregnancy ever in a cow today; all by myself. It was pretty cool. Would've been even cooler if it would have been less than 4 months along, but I still did it, none the less. I want a grand piano or my own personal grand piano player. That would be sweet.

Friday, September 07, 2007


Well third year is under way. Looks to be full of interesting challenging material. Side note: blogging on my new mac computer. Which is quite awesome. Been pretty tired lately. School has definantley started.

Was driving the other day when I began to think about how precious life really is. There is so little in life that you, yourself, are actually in full control of. Every person has the capacity to destroy life by choice or on accident. There is so much to be thankful for and not a day goes by that I don't remember that. Sure, I get caught up in the frivilous things in life. But I appreciate every second that I am alive to experience every feeling that I feel. Even in the most negative of times I appreciate that I have the mental capacity to have the opportunity to understand and feel those emotions. There is so much beauty in the world if you choose to see it. However, it is a choice.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Another year down; I made it to 25.

Alas, quarter century I am. Can't believe I have lived this long. I don't feel old or anything but I remember being younger and not being able to fathom living past 16. Now I can officially have my quarter-life crisis. One of my first undertakings as a green 25 year old was a kick-ball tournament this weekend. I wanted to prove to myself that I am not the old fart my parents keep proclaiming. Well, 2 days later, I am sore as all get out but still kinesthetically functioning. So, it was a success.

School starts soon. Social life ends soon. Tis' the season to be stressed. Wicked.

Monday, July 30, 2007

it's coming to an end

I have 4 more weeks remaining at my current job. Been here for almost 3 years. And as I have done before, I am writing while waiting for some samples. I will be sad to leave; for the most part. There are a few individuals that I will be able to live without having to mask my contempt for their behavior. Nice people I'm sure but they will not be on the list of those I will miss. I will have to bring in a box to clean out my office. Just like they do on tv. Something of which I have yet to have to do when leaving a job. In part, because I have never had my own office. Actually, its a glorified cubicle. But to someone such as myself; it's an office.

Also the Harry Potter series is coming to an end. I think being aware of that fact has made me read the book much slower. I am a week into the new one. Usually I have them finished by now. I am only half-way. And thus far I am not disappointed with the story. I guess there are still movies to look forward to.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccesful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education alone will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

Picture of me climbing down the steep wall to get to the bottom of that waterfall in Maui. Thanks to Wayne for that one.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Deep in thought

I am embarking upon my 3rd week of summer vacation, of which will be my last. It's amazing to me the thoughts a mind represses in response to 4 months of constant, varying degrees, of stress. AKA Vet school. My mind has left a state of hyper-stimulation to nearly stagnant; relatively speaking. Now I have time to dwell on worries, crap, etc. In the face of having to officially declare my track, I am now feeling as though I am in the midst of a quarter-life crisis. All of a sudden I don't know what the heck I want to do, don't know what I am going to do after I graduate, blah blah blah. Some of these concerns have probably spawned from realization that my altruistic mindset isn't quite realistic. So, in turn , I am experiencing some internal struggles. It is unfortunate that society has to revolve around monetary gains. Such is life I suppose. On a lighter note...Getting quite excited for my dog acquisition and Hawaii excursion. Two events of which will be well documented with my camera!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Some pictures which are of random assortment but moderately stimulating to the optics.

I think they were all taken last year. I add these in an attempt reconcile the trend of lacking visuals in the past.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

My 5 min no nonsense unorganized update

First off, I would like to criticize my blog for the lack of visual material.
  • Moving was a blast...I am lying. I hate moving. But I'm moved. Our upstairs residents seem to believe that the only way to shut a door is to use such excessive force that the whole structure shakes at 6:10am in the morning, every morning.
  • Addendum to above: although it may be noisy and my room is tiny, this may be the best living situation that I have been in since I moved out of the parents abode.
  • I have decreased the amount of swear words I use daily by 94.21%. This has been quite a feat.
  • Escaping to Hawaii in 33 days.
  • Hoping to get Forest in 42 days.
  • Attempted an ovariohystorectomy in a dog that already had one; little Potato as I call her.
  • Have developed a liking for Guinness Extra Stout beer, its like awesome.
  • Just a little less than 2 years until I am a doctor of veterinary medicine.
  • Just a little over 2 years until I am "broker" than I am now.
  • I have 3 months to ameliorate my moral after this horrendous semester.
  • I do NOT want to be a poultry vet.
  • My roommate is going to Europe for a month.
  • This is the last summer at my current job.
  • My car's "check engine" light is on, which is causing me to experience some intense bouts of paranoia.
  • The new Incubus album is alright.
  • At times, a simple egg sandwich can be the highlight of my day.
  • Goal for this blog this summer: write more than once.


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Which came first? The chicken or the egg?

Kind of been neglecting this thing for awhile. But honestly, between the rigors of Facebook, Myspace, and all the other online experiences, who has time to just blog??? This semester is pretty insane. Free time is definitely a thing of the past and apparently sleep as well. Coffee gets me through the days, most anyway. Really, this hot water with an attitude I am very thankful for. Moving in the next few months...hopefully the last one for my duration of vet school. Kind of looking forward to the homestead change though. Hoping for a home filled with a little less drama, action, stress, etc, and more space in my room. But as I always say, "it'll be what it'll be." In the scheme of things it doesn't really matter that much.

Going to the Brand New concert in March and am quite thrilled at that. Also planning/hoping to head over to Jersey for Bamboozle fest in May to catch Muse & MCR along with some others. Unfortunately MCR & Muse are not stopping in the cities on their tour. Guess I'll just go to them.

Happy Valentines day. Another day created to generate more money for the economy. Yes, ba humbug to ye holiday. Although, I must admit, I am baking valentine cupcakes so I am a hypocrite. It's still a stupid holiday. My mind is feeling like a box of crayons in a car on a hot day...just getting all soft and mushy and melting. I am worthless right now. Summer and green grass can't get here soon enough.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Where have I been?

Alas, 2nd semester has graced me with its presence. Only 42 hrs of class on the first week. Uh, yeah um right. Winter break went all too quickly but overall, was pretty good. Did the annual ski trip thing. For the fourth year in a row the trip was a success. Success being that our car got us from A-B to B-A with no problems and everyone returned home with no injuries to speak of. The skiing was good, although, no waking up to 15" of fresh powder this year. I did not have any spectacular follies...but I saw this dude eat it huge. He lost both skis and ended up having to trudge about 100yds through waist deep snow to retrieve them. I couldn't help but laugh. We took a day off from skiing to venture over to Yellowstone to enjoy the hot springs. It was very neat. I think I am going to get there over the summer if I can.

Now I am back in the "real world," well pseudo real world as I am still a student. There is no snow here and it is cold. I am anxious for the first hints of spring.