Monday, July 24, 2006

Food for thought...

Your best thinking got you where you are today, this very moment...sometimes this is a scary thought.

P.S. I did find a pre-owned, new to me, car. A Volvo S60. I am finally getting used to it. Muhaaaaaa......No more car shopping.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Brand New

Saw Brand New in concert last Live music is amazing to me. It's far better than any drug or booze. Definantley worth seeing. The place was sold out. It was hot. People sang along to almost every song. Enjoyed some New Castle for the first time. I got into the thick of the crowd; got sprayed by water to keep the people cool. Was pretty wet at the end of the show; didn't care. Got semi lost leaving the Quest. Stuck my head out the window going down the highway. Didn't have a worry. Had a late night breakfast at Perkins. Just like old times. I have not lost my youth....

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

If my family were South Park characters

So, here is my rendition of my family in South Park land. Kinda funny. And yes, it is slow at work this week.

On another note, nothing related to my family, I have realized that no one is free of personal problems. I mean I already knew this but now I think I feel it. I really am fairly "normal," if there is such a thing, compared to some people I, I guess it is all relative.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Have you ever felt agitated??

Current mood: agitated. Why??? Um, dunno. I guess I really shouldn't be since I can't really validate why. Just am. Sometimes there are things in life that I wish I didn't want to understand or have to. I wasn't really refering to my agitation. I'll be honest; I think lack of sleep has warranted me cranky. I wish I had life all figured out. The whole trial and error crap can be fun but there are times I really don't want to piss around with things that I don't know the outcome of. I'm thinking I may be getting allergies. This is annoying. But there are much worse things to Oh, there's a song that I like by Panic at the Disco. But I can't remember it. It's stuck in my head. "I chime in, haven't you people ever heard of, closing the God damn door, no...