Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Movie soundtrack

Music is one of the few things in life that I often find myself becoming totally immersed and lost in. I can forget everything while I am listening to it. I saw There Will Be Blood last night. And while I'm still forming an opinion on the actual movie, I was immediately captured by the soundtrack. So much so that I purchased it today. The movie was definitely worth seeing. Confusing, but I would watch it again, more than once. But the soundtrack is the best I've heard since American Beauty. As cheesy as it sounds, music like this makes me feel full inside. I can visualize the music in my head and it captures all of my neural activity. I don't think there is any other activity where my mind permits me to do so. How thankful I am to have this escape.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Work it

Not all those who wander are lost. I don't really know what the heck I am doing, but I have decided that I am NOT lost. And I don't always believe that you will get no where if you don't know where you are going. Life after 3rd year fall semester has commenced. Have managed to indulge in a fermented drink on average of every other day. Amazing! Not done this since undergrad. Does this mean that I am regressing? Maybe. But I am enjoying it. Have grand plans of decorating my home. I have only been there 3 months shy of a year. Hoping to blow up some pictures I have taken over the past couple of years. I also hope to go sledding, skiing, and indulge in other pointless activities.

Word to your mother.