Friday, November 09, 2007

We are dry and blown like dust.

School is going, going, but not gone. In an effort to calm the seas of the emotional aspect of my brain I purchased a little sketch book. My favorite kind of art is just plain pencil (well kinda fancy pencil) on a nice sheet of off white sketch paper. Been sketching a bit, not like an aspiring artist, mainly in the evening to wind down the day. It's another way to express what's inside with less obvious meaning to anyone else who happens to come across it. If my picture inspires some words, I write them. Have had a lot on my brain lately so yay. Sometimes think I'm trying to fit a square peg into a circle hole.

I did diagnose my first pregnancy ever in a cow today; all by myself. It was pretty cool. Would've been even cooler if it would have been less than 4 months along, but I still did it, none the less. I want a grand piano or my own personal grand piano player. That would be sweet.