Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Some pictures which are of random assortment but moderately stimulating to the optics.

I think they were all taken last year. I add these in an attempt reconcile the trend of lacking visuals in the past.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

My 5 min no nonsense unorganized update

First off, I would like to criticize my blog for the lack of visual material.
  • Moving was a blast...I am lying. I hate moving. But I'm moved. Our upstairs residents seem to believe that the only way to shut a door is to use such excessive force that the whole structure shakes at 6:10am in the morning, every morning.
  • Addendum to above: although it may be noisy and my room is tiny, this may be the best living situation that I have been in since I moved out of the parents abode.
  • I have decreased the amount of swear words I use daily by 94.21%. This has been quite a feat.
  • Escaping to Hawaii in 33 days.
  • Hoping to get Forest in 42 days.
  • Attempted an ovariohystorectomy in a dog that already had one; little Potato as I call her.
  • Have developed a liking for Guinness Extra Stout beer, its like awesome.
  • Just a little less than 2 years until I am a doctor of veterinary medicine.
  • Just a little over 2 years until I am "broker" than I am now.
  • I have 3 months to ameliorate my moral after this horrendous semester.
  • I do NOT want to be a poultry vet.
  • My roommate is going to Europe for a month.
  • This is the last summer at my current job.
  • My car's "check engine" light is on, which is causing me to experience some intense bouts of paranoia.
  • The new Incubus album is alright.
  • At times, a simple egg sandwich can be the highlight of my day.
  • Goal for this blog this summer: write more than once.
